SCAND 2023-2024 Elections

Results, March 31, 2023

President Elect: Jill Leshner, RD, LDBioCV

President-Elect: Three-year commitment (President-Elect, President, Past-President).
Qualifications: 1. Served in a leadership position at the District, State, or National level for at least 2 years. 2. Strong communication skills, organization and time-management skills. 3. Excellent conflict resolution skills.
Responsibilities: 1. Serve as a voting member of the Board and attend all meetings. 2. Support the President in leading the Association according to its strategic plan. 3. Serve on the Annual Meeting Planning Committee. 4. Attend Academy President Elect training (at SCAND's expense).

Secretary/Treasurer Elect: 

Olivia Myers, RD, LD, BioCV

Secretary / Treasurer: Three-year commitment. (Elect, 1 year; Secretary / Treasurer, 2 years) 
Qualifications: 1. Served in a leadership position at the District, State, or National level for at least 1 year. 2. Excellent money management skills.
Responsibilities: Elect responsibilities: The Secretary/Treasurer-Elect will support the Secretary/Treasurer in serving as the Chief Financial Officer and custodian of corporate records.  The Secretary/Treasurer will serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors; serve on the Executive Board as a non-voting member; assist the Secretary/Treasurer in formulating the annual budget; and may be asked to perform functions of the Secretary / Treasurer in the absence of the Secretary / Treasurer.
Secretary / Treasurer Responsibilities: 1. Serve as a voting member of the Board and attend all meetings. 2. Oversee all financial activities. 3. Report the financial status of the Association to the Executive Committee (as needed), Board meetings, and to the Membership at the Annual meeting. 4. Prepare the annual budget, review income, expenses, unbudgeted funding proposals, make recommendations on fiscal policies and procedures, and plan for future expenditures. 5. Serve as the official custodian of corporate records of the Association, and supervise the recording and disbursement of of minutes. 6. Have any and all powers and functions vested in the office of Treasurer. 


Nominating Chair Elect: Jennifer Hunt,  RDN, LD, BioCV

Nominating-Chair Elect: Two-year commitment (Nominating-chair elect followed by one year as Nominating-Chair). 
Qualifications: 1. Experience in elected position(s) in local affiliate (required) and in SCAND (preferred). 2. Good organizational and communication skills. 
Responsibilities: 1. Serve as a non-voting member of the Board and attend all meetings. 2. Participate in all activities of the Nominating Committee. 3. Support the Nominating Chair to fulfill all responsibilities of that position