SCAND 2025 Annual Meeting March 27-28, 2025
Marriott North Charleston
Nourishing the Future
Maximize your investments in South Carolina. The South Carolina Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics is THE professional arm for nutrition and dietetics professionals in the state of South Carolina. With an audience of over 1000 dietitians throughout the state and a steady membership of over 600 nutrition professionals, we look forward to partnering with sponsors and exhibitors in line with our mission to positively impact the health and well-being of South Carolinians through food and nutrition. Please click here to review the Sponsor and Exhibitor Packet Register and pay online for Sponsorships
Registration fees include all activities/breaks/meals for the day registered. Lunch is not included on Thursday. There is a restaurant onsite, HC Provisions. We have organized a local volunteer event at Lowcountry Food Bank in North Charleston, sorting and organizing donated food items, on the morning before the meeting - Thursday, March 27 from 9AM-11AM. More details will be emailed to you if you choose to participate, but you should expect ~8 minute drive to & from the hotel. You may indicate your desire to patriciate in this optional event on the registration form (paper or online). * Subtract $25 for acceptance of submitted abstracts (non-student/non-retiree) (Members must login to receive member pricing) Fees shown online reflect the 3% credit card fee. Full Annual Meeting Registration Online here Thursday Annual Meeting Registration Friday Annual Meeting Registration Download the registration form here to mail in with a check and avoid credit card fees. The Committee anticipates approval for 9 CPEUs. Thursday, March 27 9:00 AM: Volunteer Event at Low Country Foodbank (no charge, optional) 11:00 AM: Registration Opens 12:00 PM; Welcome and Opening Remarks 12:15 PM: Fuel for Thought: The Role of Iodine in Early Brain Development, Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, LD 1:15 PM: Healing from Within: The Crucial Role of Nutrition in Wound Recovery, Karen Sudders, MS, RDN, LD 2:30 PM: Rooted in Color: Empowering Dietitians of Tomorrow, Roniece Weaver, MS, RD, LD and June Thompson, MS, RD, LD 3:30 PM: Precision Nutrition - Recent Advances and Controversies in Genetic Testing, Ahmed El-Sohemy, PhD SCAND Social Friday, March 28 8:30 AM: Business Meeting, SCAND Members 9:00 AM From Science to Simple: Making the Science of Nutrition and Well-Being Accessible, Positive, and Practical for Consumers, Susie Kundrat, MS, RDN, LDN 10:00 AM: Navigating AI: The New Frontier in Dietetics, Drew Helmer, MSc, RD, CDN, FAND 11:30 AM: Posters, Exhibits, Lunch 1:00 PM: Nutrition Considerations for Those on GLP1-RA Weight Loss Medications, Mary Finckenor, MA, RDN, CDCES, BC-ADM, CSSD, CCRP 2:00 PM: Awards 2:30 PM: Food is Medicine: A Food First Approach, Olivia Myers, RDN, LD Deadline Extended to February 14. SCAND is pleased to offer an opportunity for professionals and students to present their research at the Annual Meeting. Please revise the Submission Guidelines and carefully follow these instructions. The Submission Form is linked here. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Submission Guidelines Submission Form